

It was hard not to hold him for a few days, but I was amazed at how well he did with the bed.

We have been so lucky to have family members galore come to visit! They all helped out so much during these first few weeks, and I think they were pretty excited to see Alan as well. Scott's parents were here when Alan was born and stayed for a few days. My mom came when Scott's parents left and my dad came out a few days later. Then my sisters came out to visit and go to EFY. We are very grateful to have such a wonderful, loving family!!

And in addition to all the fun times, we had some not so fun times too. Alan went into his 2 week check up last Monday and was totally fine. He was up to 9 lbs 8 oz, and was happy as could be. Then that night he started throwing up. He continued throwing up for several days. I'd try to feed him smaller amounts, which I thought was working, but sooner or later he'd throw up again anyway. Needless to say, this all amounted to lots of messes, little sleep, and lots of worries on my part.
On Thursday, we took him in for an ultrasound, and found out that he had pyloric stenosis. I guess it's pretty rare, but four times as common among first born males. His pylorus, which connects his stomach to his small intestine, was basically much bigger than it should have been and was stopping any food from passing through. Food would just sit in his stomach until he threw it up. So we took him up to Primary Children's Hospital so that they could operate on him. They did a laparoscopic surgery and only had to do three little cuts on his stomach. Alan was such a good patient, and all the nurses bragged about him. He is good as new now, and back to eating like a champ.

The whole thing was kind of a scary ordeal, but I was just so relieved to find out what was wrong and know we could fix it. The endless throwing up was more scary than the surgery itself. And despite the fact that we had a perfect view of the big old U on the mountain from our hospital room window (much to Scott's dismay- we shut the blinds), we were very grateful to have such a wonderful facility so close to us. They did a great job and we are sooooo happy that Alan is back to being himself again.