Well, it's amazing how much we can let our priorities get out of whack. And sometimes we need a wake up call. Well I got one and then some. For those of you who don't know, Alan and I were in a car accident today. It was on University Avenue by the Riverwoods. I was going north and turning left and another car came zooming through the yellow light and bang. The car rolled and landed upside down on the windshield. But amazingly, both Alan and I were fine. He had a little "paper-cut-like" scratch on his face and I had a tiny scratch on my knee that didn't even bleed through my jeans. People were there immediately to get us out of the car, and everything was fine. Literally a miracle- thank heavens for seat belts. The driver of the other car was fine too.
But anyway, this is just one of those times when you sit back and re-evaluate your life. And you realize that the little things that don't really matter sometimes consume your life. Who cares if the dishes are done, or how much Alan (or I) slept yesterday, or what's for dinner. None of that really matters. I'm just so grateful that we're ok and that we have such a wonderful family. I'm grateful for the temple and the physical and spiritual blessings we get from making covenants. I'm so glad that I have been sealed to my family and can be with them forever. And that's what matters. So if you see me in the next couple of weeks, expect to see a happy family with a messy house. Needless to say this would not be a Groundhog's Day I would like to repeat.