Monday, August 17, 2009

Cheeks and Double Chins

So the word on the street is that Alan is getting a little chubby. Recently a family from Brazil moved into our ward and the wife doesn't know very much English. I have been going over there several times a week to practice conversation with her, and it has really been a fun experience. The other day, she pointed to Alan's double chin and asked: "How can I say this in English?" I thought it was pretty funny.

Also, this weekend we had the chance to meet up with a lot of my extended family. For most of them, this was the first time they've seen Alan. Without fail, every person said: "Wow, look at those cheeks!" Now, he's had pretty awesome cheeks from the time he was born. It was all the doctor and nurses could talk about. Apparently they've managed to continue growing with the rest of him.

Good thing that chubby is adorable in babies, and my brother informs me that 'fat' and 'healthy' are the same word in Albanian. We'll just continue to keep this little guy good and healthy! :)

Alan with a few of my cousins. So cute!

Mr. Chubby Cheeks himself. :)


  1. Oh, he is so cute!! I giggled as I was reading the blog. Can't wait to see him!

  2. hahahah. i love that last picture of him. He is SO cute! :)

  3. AWWW! HE IS SO FAT :) in a good way though. i miss him!

  4. What a handsome boy he is. I can't wait to get there and give him lots of smooches.

  5. Oh my cuteness! How fun! I wish I was still at Wymount so I could see him in person. HE is so darling!
