Monday, November 16, 2009

Harry Potter... Finally

Well, for the record, we finally managed to see Harry Potter! This has been our goal for the last 4 months and I can't believe it's taken us this long! I've always seen the previous movies the day they came out. It's amazing how plans and priorities change. :) But we finally managed to make it happen now that Alan's a little older and is much better at going to bed.

It was way fun to be able to go see it together. Honestly, we haven't seen a movie in the theaters since Dark Knight. Can you believe that??? The show wasn't until 10:10, and Scott and I couldn't remember the last time we purposely stayed out til 1 am. When did we get to be so old??? Overall we liked it. Nothing compared to the books because it really can't be. 6 is one of my favorites. But overall, a fun time.

Our other goal was to see Up, but we didn't quite make that one while it was in theaters. In retrospect, probably should have seen it before we had Alan. But now that it's out on DVD, we can rent it this weekend. So there you go. Back into the swing of things. Even if we are a few months behind. :)

1 comment:

  1. i'm glad you got your priorities back in line. harry potter is up there (although, i could have begged to differ freshman year)...this time, i went the day it came out - ironic, huh?
    i'm glad you taught me the true way, my obi wan :)
