Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Alan's sticker chart

So, Alan has sort of a Pinky and the Brain problem.  Well, more Brain than Pinky.  He is very very smart and he thinks he can take over the world, or tries to every day.  He can still be very good, but definitely has his moments.  Recently he has taken every method we've used to discipline him, and turned around and word for word tries to use it on us.  It is actually quite funny when you're not in the middle of the power struggle. :)

Anyway, this was all leading to quite a bit of negativity, so we decided to use some positive reinforcement. It has worked well in reducing the power struggles, and at times with the behavior.  Actually, I'm not quite sure the difference between positive reinforcement and bribing.  I think we're doing both, except I've heard bribing is "bad" and positive reinforcement is "good," so we're calling it that.

Anyway, here is Alan's sticker chart.  He got a sticker when he made a "good choice" and lost one when he made a "bad choice."  He was actually pretty good and pretty cute about the whole thing.

He was very excited when he got all the way to the end

And he got an ice cream cone at "Old McDonald's" as he calls it. :) 


  1. "so we're calling it that." Ha! I love it. I think it's a great idea. A bribe to me feels more like something immediate you offer your child in desperation and they always get the better part of the deal. You guys are teaching Alan consequences(and to wait for something he wants) and he's learning the valuable lesson that good things come to those who make good choices. Awesome parenting - I think.

  2. Uh hello, this may be just what we need around here! Thanks for the great idea. I'm at my wits end with Mitchell...neither of us is very happy with each other right now!

  3. i think we need an example of how he turns it around & uses it against you. Too funny. yay for sticker charts! (and ice cream. and old macdonalds)

  4. Way to go, Alan. Keep up the choices. We love you.

  5. This is so cute!! Seems like I was told in some class once that bribery is used to promote bad stuff while positive reinforcement promotes good. Also, I think positive reinforcement was once called "Grandma's Law!" Whatever it's called, I'm glad it helps this near perfect little boy get a little more perfect!!
