Monday, August 31, 2015

Foulk Family Visit

The Foulk Family came to visit sometime in April, I believe. Here are some pics from their fun trip!

We decided to do the freedom trail with the fam. Ev wasn't feeling well, so we'll have to do it with him another time, but we couldn't send Nate off to Russia without having done it.
Us in front of the famous(to us) Burger King restaurant by the common. We were in this Burger King when we got the news that my Grandma and Grandpa Tucker had received their mission call to Novosibirsk, Russia (back in like 2002 or something like that.) And now Nate will leave for  his mission in Yekaterinburg, Russia in a couple of weeks.
Some cute pics at the playground by frog pond.

Lucy was petty little and wanting to do these pretty big slides.
And apparently loving it. :)
Got ourselves some cannolis at Mike's.

In the Old North Church
Nate was so happy to be here with Paul Revere.
In addition to the freedom trail, we went to Einstein's Workshop one afternoon. The kids had a lot of fun exploring and playing with all different kinds of blocks etc.

Love this face, Dad!

And I just couldn't pick one of these pictures of our goose. I just feel like each of them aptly captures one of her many personalities. So I just put them all in.

I'm going to stare at you and not say a word
Classic Lucy happy shot
I'm about to do something sneaky...
"Cici funny"
She calls herself Cici. And she thinks she's pretty funny. And she's pretty pleased with herself. And we tell her she's not funny. But she's pretty dang cute.


  1. Oh my gosh....the Lucy shots!! Loved our visit, and did you notice that your slide shots line up perfectly so that it looks like an extension of the previous pic?

  2. Classic Lucy shots. I love the "I'm going to stare at you and not say a word" picture.
