Monday, August 31, 2015

Spring Fun

This is a complete hodgepodge of random photos from this past Spring! Enjoy!
I know this doesn't look like spring, but it was. 
We started playing soccer and baseball as soon as you could walk in the snow without sinking.

A trip to the Zoo!

Some outdoor fun!

The Science Museum. We went with some friends this day. And then decided to get a membership. We have loved going there!

This is in the butterfly garden!

Great Brook Farm. One of Alan's classmate's had a birthday party there. It was a lot of fun!

Grandpa Robertson sings in this great community choir. Each spring they put on a great performance that we love to go to!
And spring isn't complete without a "Popcorn Popping" FHE

Disassembling a crate. I think he and his dad had fun here.


  1. Love those popcorn trees. It's amazing what a winter like you had will do to your appreciation of an inch of snow. Way to survive up there!!

  2. So many fun things! I like the picture of Alan and James by the swings and the one of Alan helping at the end!
